from editorial staff

Welcome to the European Strategist!

A snapshot of a chessboard with someone's hand making a move with the black queenThe last couple of weeks were filled with in-house discussions on what kind of ideology we ought to use, what kind of mission and vision we should stand for and of course, what kind of design we should create for our very own online international affairs magazine, The European Strategist. Well, as you probably see now, we are ready, we made finishing touches and today, with this short editorial, we finally get going. I really hope that you will like our magazine and read it as much as you can because all the contributors will put their hearts into it. Of course, we might make some mistakes along the way, it can happen, surely, as we are not experts, we only aspire to be experts in our respective fields and hopefully, with your comments and suggestions we will succeed.

What you can expect from us and from this magazine is quality opinions and analyses which will try to set a genuine new tone in foreign policy / international affairs analysis. To reach this end our aim is to write articles from a European perspective that fully resemble the belief of its authors that our world is and should be multipolar, that political self-determination should be supported and that every power in this global political system should seek their own way in reaching their goals. We also believe that foreign policy / international affairs analysis can only represent high standards when columnists try to understand political leaders and political developments in their own context. We will therefore write only about issues that we understand and leave out those that we think we understand.

All-in-all that is why this magazine will try its best to explain international news, developments and decisions from an objective point-of-view where also your ideas and arguments count. We kindly ask you not to shy away from contacting us as this magazine is not for us, it was created mostly for you, readers, because without your questions, opinions and insights we won’t be able to grow.


Áron A. Németh
Editor-in-chief and founder

P.S. Don”t forget to also check out our pages on Twitter (@EURStrategist) and Facebook!